Celebrity Stories On Line Roy Rogers & Dale Evans (Vlog)

Excerpt from one of the many the

celebrity stories

in my Hollywood memoir, Three Stages.

“When I was a kid in Bristol, Tennessee we didn’t go to movies. While some movies were not, in and of themselves sinful, the ‘Hollywood life style’ (not called life style in those days) was sinful. Multiple marriages, drunkenness, adultery and all manner of evil practices were ‘known’ to be rife in that world. It was assumed to be devoid of good Christians.

“Once we were in LA we found Fountain Avenue Baptist in Hollywood and joined the church. As we gradually became acquainted with other members we discovered, much to our surprise, that nearly half of them worked in the movie business. A few minor actors, many technicians and artisans and (Are you ready for this?) two bona fide movie stars; Roy Rogers and Dale Evans, ‘King and Queen of the West’. I have to give Mom and Dad credit for flexibility of mind. Once that incorrect idea about the sinful denizens of the movie profession had been erased we all began to go to (carefully selected) movies.”

Read lots more celebrity stories when you click here to get Three Stages.


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