TV commercial productions on an envelope

Between 1977 when I left the Ansel Productions studio manger job and the time of the adventure reported in this video I was involved in somewhere around seven or eight hundred TV commercial productions of which I was producer on about half. In ninety-five percent of these cases when I was producer someone else had written the budgets but I was bound by them and brought almost all of them in either on or under budget. So I knew what things cost as well as how to squeeze a nickel until the buffalo peed.

TV commercial productions can be somewhat simple or extremely complex but in no case are they rocket science, so when the event that is the point of this story occurred I knew what I was about as would anyone with my kind of experience.

A few nights ago a TV news person referred to a list of documents that was requested from the administration by a House committee as “too big to write on the back of an envelope”. The comment reminded me of a back-of-an-envelope experience I’d had thirty years ago.

Read the entire story of the DNC TV commercial productions project in my film production book, Circumstances Beyond My Control, by clicking here.


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